Thursday, April 17, 2008

Two sets of Lips....

The level of ungratefulness in the world is almost paralyzing at times. The need to put oneself over another's self is, well, selfish. The need to hold things in when times call for letting things out is, well, selfish also. So instead of two lips for two mouths or two voices or as the joke goes for "pissin and moanin" I probably should have labelled this selfishness. It is the case that in school we were taught that one element of power is knowing something that someone else does not know but could benefit them in some way, or harm them too, for that matter. But would it not seem more expedient to let that person know whatever it is you are holding and that in sharing knowledge you share power and that truly raises you above the crowd. Unless you just don't want to share...maybe that's that case, you have to also consider that maybe there are things that you don't know, therefore instead of having power you are actually deminished. In that case, one must do what one has to do, and so it is. Peace. LJW

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