Saturday, March 8, 2008

News from Home

Heard from up north that Jim Anderson, Jennifer Anderson's husband had passed away. Apparently he was having some neck pain, went to the ER and died. No more information than that. Jennifer and the kids are in our prayers and we know she's surrounded by many friends and a huge family so she will have good support. Of course the way it usually works when something like this happens you start hearing from and calling people you haven't seen in years. It was great to speak with Wendy and catch up on all the news about everyone. It's times like this that you wish you could be closer. Updates (4/1/08) say it was a heart attack. Still don't know and guess "what it was" matters little as compared to the reality that "it was." One of the Radiation Oncologists I worked for long ago used to say "Always eat your dessert first." So, do that and hug the one closest to you. Peace. LJW

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