Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Obama thing...

Supposed "big controversy" about the minister at Obama's church...of course Hannity and some other talk radio nit-wits are calling for B.O.'s resignation as a candidate. What a bunch of bullshit...and I have no intention, unless something really changes between now and election time, to vote for him, or just in case you want to know I don't want to see another Clinton White House. The last time she "fixed" healthcare things went straight to Hell. I can't imagine why anyone in the healthcare industry would vote for her. Anyway...Obama has no control over what his minister says, and if the church he is going to is fulfilling his spiritual needs and easing his social conciousness, why should he quit going there and why should he quit running for office, that's just my opinion about quitting anything or apologizing for something you were not responsible for. Truth be told, my stand on politicians in general, and especially presidential candidates is the same as my view of professional sports. Should not all that money be used to feed, clothe, and shelter those that are not able to do it themselves instead of feeding the massive egos of these jerks. You still hear..and B. O. used it, that in America a kid can grow up to be president...that's only true if you grow up and become filthy rich off the backs of others and surround yourself with other liars, cheaters, and morally empty creeps. And if anyone from Congress or the Senate (or Homeland Security) ever read this, I use the words egotistical lying, cheating, morally empty creeps with all due respect. Peace y'all

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