Saturday, April 5, 2008

I love Jan

(1972: Chicago)

April 6th, for those of you still alive that were at our wedding, will be our 35th anniversary. Of course they were stupendous years, never a harsh word between us, never a time we worried if we were going to be able to eat from one day to the next, never a day where one of us might have had that single moment that entered our head when we wished our lives and seperate paths might have been different. Horseshit! It's because of all that stuff, and because we realized that if we told each other what we were feeling and what was bothering us, and what was great for the moment, what we were happy about, why we were sad, etc., etc., we would always be on the same path. So after a point it goes to a level of definition that is beyond that of love....of course we use those words as that is what our vocabulary is limited to, but we know when we say it to each other that we mean much more than that, as the saying goes, at that point words fail us. For a gift...because I'm cheap and did not get out to shop...I also posted a DCFC Video that's pretty damn great and I know Jan likes the song. Take a peak and I hope you enjoy it also. Morose? Maybe a little. Overly romantic? You got me there! Sappy? If you think it's sappy then what is a shallow, empty hearted, unromantic and obviously un-imaginative person doing on my web site or this blog for God's sake? Peace! Lighten up and enjoy the "film".


PattyP said...

CONGRATULATIONS! on your 35th - you are an amazing couple to get this far and you have a lifelong admirer here.

I love you both and think your blog is amazing (although the wall of death makes me pretty dizzy!).

Anonymous said...

i love this site!! it's come so far since the lsst time i visited. i put a link to this page on my myspace, time to get some people hooked on local art. love ya