Saturday, April 5, 2008

"I will follow you" video for Jan: Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope your anniversary wasn't as depressing as that video/Follow You Into The Dark thing. That was a real downer. Especially with the bunnies! That made me really sad. I'm going to go take a walk and clear my head.

I was actually surprised to find this blog -- you need to let people know these things. Also, I hope you'll post more often here than on past blogs.

I'm not hatin'! I would just like to read more of your stuff, as has always been the case, and I would like to see more of your papier mache stuff and, oh, by the way, I still haven't received my mirror. Maybe I can pick it up as we drive through town on our upcoming road trip? I'll bring a check. I heart you silly Walker clan.