Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday , Saturday...update, that's all...

Ok, I'm widely accused of not regularly updating any blogs I create, so here's an update. Many of you know that I now spend my days locked away in prison. I am at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility located on the outskirts of Pearl, MS which is east of Jackson. I am allowed to get phonecalls, emails, faxes, whatever I want to eat, etc. I am surrounded by an extremely capable group of correctional professionals who are led by some of the most truly dedicated and professional leaders I have ever met. Equal in the level of professionalism and dedication to their profession are my co-workers with Wexford Health Sources and we are charged with providing the medical services for the facility...actually all of the MS Dept. of Corrections, but I work at CMCF. It's very busy, very loud, andf very interesting. CMCF is the intake facility for all of MS and anyone entering the prison system as an inmate starts at CMCF.

In addition to the new job I've been in since July 1, there's a new member of the family, Nate, who is Jessi and Tommy's son...our first grandchild born in June. He is a great little guy who I nicknamed Bean from his first ultrasound. He is very active, is not satisfied sitting down and will probably be walking in no time. I am sure he will be a terroir around the house once that happens.

Not a lot of new stuff coming out of NADAPNYADA at the moment...was kind of overwhelemed by the new job, coming in at a period of reaccreditation...which I seem to hit everytime I've ever started a new position so you would think I would be used to it. Just my first forray into correctional health services and though a lot is no different than the "free world" as they call it on the inside, there is a whole lot that is very, very different. That's really about it...hope to start getting back to the "studio" now that the temps are dropping some and accreditation was passed and life seems to be settling just a little. Be patient! Love and peace to you all.


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