Sunday, December 14, 2008

Days in Paradise

The last 2 weeks have not brought the best of news. Long time friend and co-worker from Chicago, Sam Jeswani, was unlucky enough to be having dinner at the Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai when the Pakistani terrorists came in, asked for his ID and finding he was American shot and killed him as well as 5 others at his table. Sam was one of the nicest, gentle, and caring people I ever knew. I can't imagine what Beth is going through and only can pray for strength and healing for her and the rest of the family.

On Thursday (12/11) good friend and co worker Rosetta Williams was killed in a an auto accident. Rosetta was a very strong individual, and an outstanding nurse who treated everyone with the utmost respect. She treated every inmate with respect so they receieved the best healthcare. Rosetta was a very loving person, kind, funny and a hard worker. The Health Service at CMCF is devastated by her death. We were priveledged to be able to meet and soend time with he family and friends at a candlelight prayer vigil last night. She had a large, close family and they will draw strength from each other to carry on the same way we will in the medical service. We already miss her very much.

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