Saturday, December 27, 2008

And so this is Christmas: III

This Christmas season was filled with a lot of different emotions not to mention the stresses of work and just getting by day to day. But among the sadness and tragedy, the gloom and doom of the economy, the stupidity that seems to hover over the world, there are those grand moments of joy that comes from family and friends. Hopefully I can remember how to attach pictures in order to get the great picture of Bean and his first time with Santa. Beanie (Nate) is 6 months old now. Cut his first tooth...or should I say his first tooth cut him...on Christmas eve day. I got to spend a lot of time with and around him and he is a little character who seems to love his "Beano" the name I have been given, and of course he should know his Beano loves him as well. Peace

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