Saturday, December 27, 2008

And so this is Christmas: II

In 33 years of working in hospitals and clinics in a variety of positions in clinical areas and administrative, I have worked with many great nurses. None of these, with all due respect to my good friends and teachers, rise to the level of Rosetta Williams. Rosetta was the Nurse manager at the 720 Clinic at Cental Mississippi Correctional Facility where I am the Administrator for the Medical Service. Rosetta was very dedicated to her profession, dedicated to her staff, her friends, and her patients who just happend to be inmates. She treated everyone with the respect that humans should treat other humans. Rosetta was killed in an auto collision on Thursday morning, December 11th , on one of those extremely rare snowy days in Mississippi. She was on her way to work, coming in even though she was not feeling well and had pulled over at least once to throw up. She turned around to go back home and it was almost immediately after that when the acciden happened. None of us have ever heard the details, which at this point really don't matter. She was 43 (same as Sam), had 3 children, and a wonderful supportive and loving family. Those of us who knew and worked with Rosetta are heartbroken, the Medical Service for the time being is trying to recover, she was that strong of a personality with that strong of a presence. She was great to be around, whether at work or having drinks at Chili's. We will all miss her very much.

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