Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back in Business!!

It's good to be back. Unfortunately, my battle against the ruling powers to be able to create, manage and maintain a working website for absolutely free was fruitless. I went the 75 bucks to get all my shit back on the air so I could say whatever I wanted and to provide family and friends with an info update site or just something to look at when they were bored or trying to get up the nerve to commit suicide. Not a lot has changed since the update of Jan 17. I am still Administrator of the Medical Services at the Prison however this is a tenuous position for a variety of reasons. I tried to go into this position with the thought that the service could be run like a regular free-world hospital service. No fucking way. Though it is true I have perfected the "No Can Do" attitude, that has to do with social, political, and religious shit, not work shit. When you are working it's a contract that we pay you and you perform a job. You perform, we can keep the business going and make money and give it back to you so we all can keep working. I did not pick this up when I was getting my MBA, this is apriori knowledge or should be. You should be aware of this shit at birth, but apparently there are s many who are not and just want to get their dollar and don't care about the big picture. I want to run a successful Medical Service, I want us all...including keep our jobs and by doing so stick around to be ale to serve our client. What is so damn hard bout understanding that, assholes, it's call WORK ETHIC! Anyway I don't know if I'll make it but I have tried to learn from my mistakes and be a better person and through that make the changes necessary to do a better job and get others to do their job. Well, welcome back and Peace.

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