Saturday, December 27, 2008

And so this is Christmas: I

Our thoughts this Christmas are with Beth Jeswani and the Jeswani family following the tragic and senseless death of our good friend Sam at the Oboroi Hotel in Mumbai. Whether or not Sam would have been sensitive to or even have known what the terrorists's agenda was, Sam felt that if you had something to say that you believed in, then you should say it...but he would have felt that any idea or belief that would have brought about the death of another was not a good belief to have. The trite sayings that often arise when someone dies unfortunately are the closest words I can come to that truly describe him. He was gentle, caring, loved his wife, loved his dog, believed in his work, and through that helped to bring healing and life to his fellow man. He had great taste in music, and poetry and was a good office partner for many years. Ultimately I cannot imagine that Sam would have ended up marrying anyone other than Beth who is also one of the most caring, interesting, and truly cynical people I have ever had the pleasure to know and Sam knew that I loved her before he did...of course not in the way he did. There is really nothing to be said that is comforting, nothing to be said that can truly bring peace. Sam was doing what he enjoyed with the people he enjoyed and like everyone else killed during the terrorist raids, should not have died for the stupid reasons (it does not even matter what they were) they did. Out of selfishness and anger I'm pleased the terrorists died in their act and can only wish they were slow and horribly painful deaths. I'll feel that way until that selfishness and anger fades and the healing forgiveness that God brings to us takes it's place. Sam had asked that I make a butterfly for Beth for a gift. For some reason it always has been pushed to the back until he'd call or email and tell me to hurry. I'll be starting that piece next.

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